To educate and equip parents
to confidently answer the call to homeschool their children.
To support one another through community, parents and children alike,
lifting each other up in and through Christ Jesus.
To inspire students to make an impact in their world.
We study God’s word and seek to understand it.
We utilize classical tools and logic to inspire discussions about what we are learning.
We incorporate rhetorical endeavors such as speech, debate, research, and more to sharpen our ability to know what we believe, express it soundly, and defend it.
We ignite curiosity and wonder for all ages, pursuing interests and passions that lead to creativity, application, and execution of those aspirations.
A Ministry
For the Next Generation
Answers to common questions about Legacy Christian Homeschool Fellowship and our community.
Which grade levels are offered?
We offer K-12 grade programs.
How often do you meet?
We will meet once a week. It is our priority that you remain the primary teacher in your household. Community gatherings last 30 weeks, September through May.
Yes! In junior high and high school, we offer Christian worldview, etiquette, logic, financial literacy, business, and entrepreneurship studies, to name a few.
What style of learning/teaching is encouraged?
We promote a classical approach to teaching and learning. It is so important kids learn early on to think deeply and independently; to know what they believe and why.
Is this a drop off program?
Drop-off will only be considered for high school students. Legacy is a cooperative. We thrive on community and are only operational with parent involvement, participation, and presence.
What key opportunities are available to help my student improve his or her public speaking skills?
We will exhort students to participate in endeavors like science fair, mock trials, speech, debate, vocational projects and community outreach.